Dossier & his Team Members:
1. Sachie Sttor - Financial Companies: She specializes
in the backup of documents in banking & financial
sector. Her aim is to save financial organisations from
data loss occurring due to human/machine error by
providing more secured and Decentralised storage
system of data, 24/7, to ensure data backup on
scheduled basis
2. Bhaktiiew Decod - IT Companies: He specializes in
the backup of documents in IT companies. His aim is
to save IT companies from data loss caused by
Hackers, Viruses, Ransomware or any other disaster.
3. Matte Tinnie - Small, Big & Midsize Companies:
Many companies would agree that planning for a
disaster is not the most exciting part of running a
business. Specially for small & mid size organisations
that are yet sprouting in the business world. For
them, the thought of data loss that they may not be
able to recover from, soon, would cause them their
existence in this competitive business economy. His
aim is to save small & mid size companies from
incurring considerable unforeseen costs and
question their existence.
4. Krit Knowleder - Libraries: Her aim is to save the
most important cornerstones of a healthy community
a n d t h e o n l y re a d i l y a v a i l a b l e s o u rc e o f
comprehensive information needed by people for
personal, family and job-related purposes, i.e.,
Library. She specializes in the backup & security of
documents books, periodicals, newspapers,
manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents,
microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, Blu-ray
Discs, e-books, audiobooks, databases, preserved in
Libraries and give people the opportunity to explore
& experience new ideas, get lost in wonderful
stories, while at the same time providing a sense of
place for gathering.
5. Fligh Ado - E-commerce: Over the last decade, as
people are going online for to make a purchase or to
find information, enormous amount of valuable data
is generated and stored on computers. Her aim is to
save e-commerce companies from the loss of a
customer order database that could be devastating
to their business, leading to unfulfilled orders,
dissatisfied customers and loss of touch with
thousands of clients. S/he specializes in data backup
of E-commerce industry.
6. Chaine Mallier - Information Security: Loss of data,
in an information-based business/industry causes
major inconvenience that disrupts their day-to-day
functions. He specializes in improving IT backup
operations such as email, backup, recovery and
archival processes; support of databases and file
systems and automate the Storage and Backup
system to prevent organisations from data loss of
hardware & software.