Bossy! Magazine March 2016 | Page 4


Happy Women’s History Month Bossy Babes! If there was ever a month made for us, March is it. Here at Bossy we are looking forward to recognizing women who have made and are making history here and now.

Each time a girl opens a book and reads a womanless history, she learns she is worth less. ~ Myra Pollack Sadker

The importance that women have always had throughout history has been grossly understated. Bossy magazine’s entire purpose is to recognize, encourage and uplift women and celebrate the fierce, fabulous creatures we are. This month is gonna be lit!

Starting with our #BossyApproved Artists of the Month, instead of one artist I sat with seven super talented women out of South Florida to talk about the art, business and the passion of hip hop. It’s a great conversation you don’t want to miss.

Our Featured Boss of the Month Ayesha NuRa is a true inspiration. Her workshops and classes are strictly geared towards indiviudal development and empowerment using your sexulity and feminine enegry. She was so genuine. Read about her and then look her up and attend a class or a session!

I want to dedicate this issue and this whole Women’s History Month to my grandmother Shirley Ann Carter who I lost this month. I have never known a more fierce, fabulous, smart, funny, generous and bad-ass woman in my entire life. She has inspired, encouraged and even bullied me into living my truth and following my dreams. She was the original #BOSSY woman. I’ll love and miss her every day.

Happy Women’s History Month Bosses! Make it great!