Bossy! Magazine March 2016 | Page 14

This is something you can do in your spare time, so it is not like your real job or family would suffer. Speaking of online avenues, you can use the internet as a powerful research tool when doing shopping.

Shopping spree

Resist impulse buys at all costs. Each time, ask yourself why exactly you seek to purchase a certain item. Are you doing it to show off or to solve a problem like feeling sad or unfulfilled? Note that managing money is a way to get to know yourself better, your emotions and cravings. What is more, this journey demonstrates the power money has over people. Well, it is time to reclaim what was stolen and then hidden in plain sight. Once you embark on that mission you also start noticing petty tricks in the form of big sale signs, upbeat shopping mall music, and pushy sellers.

Major expenses

Education is one of those major expenses that must be on your financial radar. Private schools are more tailored to specific personal needs of the children, yet they cost an arm and a leg. Public schools on the other hand, are more affordable, but they are not designed for talented individuals. The third option is homeschooling, which demands some lifestyle adjustments and sacrifices. So, it this time you try to think outside the box and find ways to limit the impact on your personal finances. Those who do a bit of research may find many payment methods like the one in Australia, that is school easy pay, that let you split costs with other family members and provide other benefits.

A guiding light

Budgeting is a daunting task no doubt, but also the one that enables you to improve the quality of life. Manage your money flows with the help of proven tips and digital tools. Always remind yourself of the reasons you decided to go on this undertaking, and do not even consider throwing in the towel. Keep your financial house in order because you do not want to lose the one you live in, or end up so deep underwater that the shining sun of life seems like a dark side of the moon.

AUTHOR: Sonya is a passionate business consultant from Melbourne, Australia. She has a wide range of interests, including online writing, technology trends and marketing in general. However, she likes to share her own experiences in the fields of money saving, considering it's her main focus.