Bossy! Magazine July 2016 Issue 13 | Page 4


"What She Said"

A Letter From The Editor

By Shevvy Malibu

Hey Bossy Babes!

It’s mid-summer and it’s hot all over. I celebrated a big birthday this month.

I turned the big 4-0. I spent the last twenty minutes deleting and retyping that sentence. I would be lying if I said that turning 40 didn’t bother me.

It seems that 40 is an age where I believed I should have finally ‘arrived’ in life, or my life should be set. I should already be the perfect successful wife, mother, business woman. Like I should be a “Grown ass woman” I’m not sure that I am. But I do feel like I’m growing. And I feel like making it to 40 has taught me some hard earned lessons. And I’m grateful.

So here are 10 things I’ve learned on my way to 40, that are going to carry me the rest of the way.

1.I learned to accept and forgive myself for mistakes I made when I was younger, because if I had not made them, I wouldn’t be where I am now. And I kinda like I here.

2.I learned that my time is valuable and I need to protect it. No more wasting time on people or activities because I feel like I should or I owe them.

3.No is a complete sentence. I don’t need to explain or qualify everything to everyone.

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