Bossy! Magazine Issue 20 September/October 2017 | Page 11

FIVE Reasons Monogamous Sex is

the Best Sex

by Shevvy Malibu

In today’s social and sexual climate many people may not associate Great Sex with Monogamous Sex. We tend to joke about the death of great sex in long term relationships. “Oh, you’re married now? Hope you enjoyed the sex while it lasted!” People complain about monogamy not being natural. Thinking that wild and exciting sex can’t thrive inside of a committed space? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people ask couples, “How can you be comfortable only having sex with one other person for the rest of your life?”

“How can you be comfortable only having sex with one other person for the rest of your life?”

These attitudes are common but not accurate. Yes, sex CAN get boring with the same partner over a long period of time, but that doesn’t mean that isn’t a guarantee. Despite what TV and movies tell us, there is a lot of great sex inside long term relationships. These couples share something much greater than “good sex.” They share a great relationship, which in turn contributes to making sex better. Great sex is a byproduct of a deeper love and commitment to one person; it’s within that bond that gives meaning to the best sex you’ll ever have. Don’t believe me? I’m going to give you five reasons why.