Bossy! Magazine Issue 16 December 2016 | Page 5

What She Said

By Shevvy Malibu

Hey, Bossy Babes! I can’t believe it is December already. I swear it was the 4th of July just a few weeks ago…..

It’s the holiday season, and it’s time for family, friends and all sorts of merriment. I’ve got you covered with what to wear and even some gift ideas. Keep in mind everybody doesn’t always feel so jolly! This time of year may trigger a bout of the blues or perhaps ignite a depression that has been smoldering under the surface for months. You may deal with a lot of stress due to financial pressures for gift buying, the decreased time to exercise, bad eating habits (all the Christmas cookies) and a lack of sleep. Make a promise to yourself to not overdo it socially or financially and make sure you practice self-care.

If the election results left you reeling, you might really need to take care of your psyche right now, make sure you check out the article on self-care in a Post Trump world.

For me, the end of the year is a time of reflection. It’s time to look back on all I’ve accomplished, (or not) experienced and lived through. While you’re looking back, it’s also a very good time to assess where you need to go next. Make sure you achieve your dreams for the next 12 months by taking some time to plan out your yearly goals and your steps to meet them. Attend a vision board workshop in your area, or if you are local to South Florida you can visit my Make Your Next Move Your Best Move Planning Workshop!

However you spend your time, I hope your holidays are sweet and candy canes! #staybossy