Bossy! Magazine Issue 1 November 2014 | Page 30

Taking the Terror out of Networking by Micheale Washington

Let's say for instance you have a new business idea and you want to rub shoulders with people that can answer questions or assuage reservations you may have about striking out on your own. Or perhaps you already own you own business and want to find outlets to let the world know you are here and you've got just what they're looking for. Better yet, you are out of work and have been so for a very long time. You've been interviewing for months and you just can't seem to get ahead.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? If so, you are among many looking for opportunities for advancement. Networking is a key habit amongst many successful people. It's often hailed as the most important factor. But networking is viewed by many as a chore if not a terror. Whether you are painfully shy or hate small talk, here are a few tip to power networking sure to make networking both doable and bearable.

It doesn't take a social butterfly to be an effective network. It takes simple strategy. Lets start with conversation starters. You are at the event. You're sweating bullets. You don't know a soul and are paralyzed with fear. Take a death breath. Walk into the room and immediately survey the attendees. Find the person that looks the most approachable and start a conversation.