Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 6

What She Said

Hey family!  Welcome to the Fall 2021 issue of BOSSY! Magazine. As we transition into a quarterly publication there will be a lot of changes for BOSSY! this fall. We’re looking forward to new content, a new day and location for our live show (Tuesdays), new merchandise and events while celebrating the work and the milestones we’ve already reached. It felt like the right season to do this. After really giving thought about the symbolism for this time of year, I’ve decided to dive in and extend that theme into the rest of my life for fall and I want to invite all of you to do the same. 

Change- The weather is changing, colors are changing. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "The only constant is change.” That can make some of us feel uncertain. However, once you accept the impermanence of everything, it’s actually easier to embrace each present moment. It’s actually vital to appreciate and savor what is, before it isn’t. 

Preservation- Autumn represents the preservation of life and its basic necessities. During this time, animals prepare for the winter by storing food and creating cozy hibernation spaces. Farmers work on their fall harvest by collecting a reserve of crops. Although I enjoyed my hot girl summer, I’m also ready to retreat indoors and focus on cultivating a safe and comforting home. This season offers us a chance to reconnect with ourselves as we preserve our safe havens.

Letting Go- Instead of sadness, leaves falling illustrates the beauty in letting go. This fall, I encourage you to try a few things to help you let go of what might be ready to fall away from your life, even the things/people that you feel like clinging to for history’s sake.  Instead pay attention to what lights you up and what makes me feel good—and also what is stressing you out, and causing frustration. The things that caused you too much tension are the things you needed to let fall away.

This season of letting go is preparing for something new to come later. Opening up space for whatever wants to come next. And I have a feeling, what’s coming next is just fabulous.  C'mon fall with me. XOXO