Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 48

Adrienne: Sandy, You have been busy for the last 15 years! I feel like a proud sister! You have done everything from acting in movies, being the fashion designer on set, owning several companies, and empowering women and men alike to follow their dreams! So proud. (wipes a thug tear from my eye) Well, how did you raise funding for your ventures?

Sandy: I have never raised money for any of my businesses. It's all been a labor of love. I have asked for a sponsor or partner to raise funding for certain things before, but all my businesses were started with my own capital and funds. 

Adrienne:  How do you build a thriving customer base?

Sandy: I have a model. I have used it for all of my businesses. Which is: when you build it, they will come. If I see a need for something or a want for something, I just do it. Especially if it goes along with what I believe in or already do, especially if I know it will bring positivity or happiness to someone's life. I don't do this for the money; I do it because I enjoy solving problems and creating experiences. 

Adrienne: And that you do well. I have experienced Diva's Brunch Club and am very excited for your future. You celebrate one year this month, and I hope you have many more years of bringing this exclusive brunch experience to the masses. Tell me, who has been your greatest inspiration & how do you define success?