BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 31

Follow Your Heart

3 . Are you settling for less than ?
Are you resigned to accepting less than your full share of love , health and success this lifetime ? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream ?
Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy .
4 . What will you feel like when you reach your dream ?
Personal passion fuels a vision . Dive into the thrill and exhilaration of the feeling of living your dream .
The Hawaiian Kahuna say , " Where your creative attention flows , so flows your life ."
5 . What steps can you take today toward your dream ?
Don ' t defer your dream . Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate your intentions into action . Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision .
Are there smaller projects that lead to your larger dream ? If the dream is to run a marathon , train for a local fun-run first . And find a way to measure your progress . Track those little wins-by writing in a journal or telling a friend .