BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 19



Your business focuses on women and their self-care , how important is self-care to women ' s overall health ?


Self-care is VITAL . . . i don ' t know why most of us see self-care as a luxury or something accessible only to a category of women . . . selfcare looks different for everybody . If you don ' t have the resources to spend $ 300 on a massage , you can go in nature and stretch or do a guided meditation . That ' s just an exemple , some times self-care is making sure your priorities are in check and that you don ' t put yourself in the back burner . . . A lack of self-care can be very serious and very damaging to our mental and physical health . Stress , anxiety , anger , overeating , undereating , malnourish , lack of sleep . I know some people disagree with this but your body is literally your temple . . it ' s literally the one place you won ' t leave . . would you want to live in a home where the roof is falling apart and the debris fall inside your room ? nope . . So same with your body and your mind . Make yourself a priority ( to your best of your ability ) and everything and everyone around you will also feel better and inspired by you . Which creates such an amazing dynamic and safe space within our family and circle . Self-care is important to women ' s overall health , because there is only so long we can avoid ourselves before our body and mind fall apart . . Put yourself first , you deserve to be well rounded and healthy ! its vital !