BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 17



Tell me about where you grew up and what your childhood and family life was like . How did your parents influence you and what ' s the biggest lessons you learned from them ?


I grew up in Strasbourg , France . My parents divorced when I was 9 , my sister was 7 years old . My mom has done everything that she could so that we did not lack anything . She was very strong and independent . My dad was here if we needed anything but not so much for the " everydays ", I can say he missed out a lot on me and my sister growing up but nevertheless he did what he knew how to do best at the time , which was pursuing his career and entrepreneurship journey . He has always been a role model to me . My dad gave me the entrepreneurship spirit , the relentless energy and everything that comes with entrepreneurship and the mindset around it . My mom just by being who she is , has taught me to go after what I want in life no matter what it is . She taught me unconditional love , forgiveness and compassion . I am the eldest of my siblings , when my parents divorced , they rebuilt their lives and i now have 2 brothers , one on my Mom side and one on my dad side . I was the one setting the exemple , and taking care of everybody as the big sister .