In life, if you want to be successful, you’ve got to have a plan. We have all heard many times that, “Life is what you make it” so we aspire to follow our dreams with the idea that they will surely come true as long as we do the work that is necessary. It seems pretty simple and it usually proves to be true; to a degree. You want to go to college, do well in school. You want to be a doctor; art school is not the way to go. If you want to be a teacher, please love children. I grew up, made plans and checked them off as I accomplished them. I graduated high school, went to college and planned to be an accountant. I did great in accounting in high school yet bombed after spending a year at Howard University after being accepted in to the School of Business. I wasn’t good at finance, or economics and barely passed those courses; including accounting. I was doing it for the belief that I could be rich; not because it was my passion. I could not afford to return to college so I had to take a year off. That was the beginning of my rude awakening that in life while there are goals and plans; there are also detours, obstacles, and unseen circumstances.
Fast forward to years later when I am an educator, teaching language arts and living a comfortable and safe existence. However, something was missing. I was not satisfied with a paycheck that only went so far.