Bossy! Magazine April 2016 Issue 10 | Page 4


Letter From The Editor

Welcome to April Bossy Babes! It’s really spring and here in South Florida, it already feels like summer. New seasons tend to make me want to start over fresh. Shed old skin and be renewed.

Sometimes we get complacent in our relationships, in our friendships, and even in our business. The space we are in may not fit anymore. That’s when we need to spring clean. Yes ladies, our love life needs a cleaning too .Time to clear up all the little messes and issues you kept pushing to the side. You’ll thank me later!

And if you're stuck in your business life, or need that push to get started, check our Featured Boss of the Month Quadeera Teart. She is the CEO/Founder of a creative coaching and consulting company, The Creative Society, Inc. and she may just what you need to give your brand the celebrity element you’ve been missing

April is also Autism Awareness Month. Although I’m an autism mom 24/7, in April I try to bring more awareness to children and families, living, surviving and thriving with Autism. If you have a sister- friend with a child on the spectrum, read “How to Love An Autism Mom” and learn how to be the friend she needs in challenging times.

Have a fantastic month, we’ll see you soon! #StayBossy!

xoxo- Shevvy Malibu