BOSSNews Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 39

From Dreaming to Achieving

something. Realize that every day is just as good to start new things as any other day. Always make yourself feel ready about everything, even when it is tempting to nap a fe minutes longer. And if nothing else, think of the alternative, because chances are you chose that goal to change your current situation. If the simple thought of being in the same place days, weeks, months, years from now doesn’t push you into action nothing will.

The most critical part is always the towards our dreams. When we are on fire, it throws at us experiences that will shake our beliefs in ourselves, in the dreams we are trying to pursue. When we are cold, it tries to help us pile on the excuses of not doing what we need to do to achieve our goal. It is when you are already near the achievement of your goal that you should be careful. Because it is during times like this that you will have to prove to life that you truly are serious about pursuing your dreams. In this critical moment, don’t back down, no matter how strong the urge to forget about everything

beginning. It is where hesitation, self-doubt and all those nasty ideas that hold you back comes in. But, refuse to listen to them. Instead, gain the momentum and get on with it. Start with simple things. Take the baby steps. It is easier to be continuously motivated when you know that you are achieving something every time you try. Afterwards, it is much easier to push yourself to finish the task or goal you are trying to pursue. Only then you can start to shoot for far larger stars.

Keep on believing.

Life knows how to deal with us. It can sense whether we are hot or cold matter how strong the urge to forget about everything you have worked for. Keep a positive outlook.

Reward yourself.

Achievement can be rewarded in many ways, on many occasions. Throughout your process, you will have little successes. And at the end, you have that one huge success. Whenever you overcome each of these successes, reward yourself. It is easy to keep on moving when you know that you are getting one step closer to realizing your dream but be sure to enjoy the journey as well as the destination. Never ever forget that.