BOSSNews Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 19





Spikes and Drops in

Sugar Levels

The Effect: Eating sugary snacks causes your sugar levels to hike up. But shortly after, it’s followed by an abrupt drop in the same. Put yourself through enough of these sugar level rollercoaster rides a day and you're sure to be left exhausted.

The Solution: Choosing snacks with lots of whole grains will give you a slow and steady supply of energy and help to regain and maintain balance.


The Effect: Low hydration levels can leave you feeling fatigued and lethargic says Nutritionist Keith Ayoon EdD author of the Uncle Sam Diet. When your body is craving fluids it can have a negative effect the pep on your step.

The Solution: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Strive to drink 16-24oz at a time several times a day. Also, reduce alcohol consumption especially when close to bedtime. Not only does it dehydrate you, it also interferes with your deep sleep keeping you from getting the rest you think you are.


The Effects: Anxiety... The cause of stress uses a lot of your energy. Says Fordham University' Sports Psychologist Paul Baard. These don't even have to be high levels of stress. Low chronic stress can be equally as mentally and physically exhausting.

The Solution: Incorporate more relaxing activities into your day. They don't have to be hours at a time. Several 10-15min activities that removes you from your stresser can be super effective.

Missing Meals (Especially Breakfast)

The Effect: Just like a car cannot run unless you take the time to put gas in it. Your body cannot run unless you take the time to put food in it. Far too often we are so concerned we must get everything on our to do list done we don't take the time to fuel our bodies properly.

The Solution: Schedule time in your day to eat starting with breakfast. Planning your meals also helps you avoid making poor eating choices when you're striving.