Bosch Holdings Enginuity Enginuity October Issue 2019 | Page 2

02 03 Words from the Chairman’s desk We are very thankful for the ongoing support we have received from our Clients across the globe and for the lasting relationships which have been forged over many years. I am also particularly proud of the Bosch team in achieving the awards, milestones and project successes despite the challenging state of the economy and construction industry. We are determined to remain true to our purpose of creating a positive and lasting difference for our staff, our Clients and the communities in which we work, through excellence, innovation and extraordinary service. This edition of Enginuity is packed with projects which are making a tangible difference to peoples’ lives, including the provision of drinking water, sanitation, roads and housing. The training and development of young South Africans also remains a priority focus area and is implemented through various successful projects. The group has a long and successful history since it was established in 1961 and I would like to congratulate both Bosch Ulwazi and Bosch Capital teams who have achieved a significant milestone of their 10 and 5 year anniversary respectively. Mike Gibbon CEO Bosch Holdings I am sure you will enjoy reading this edition of Enginuity and please visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn for additional information. Back to basics for Cluster 6 Water Supply Backlog Bosch Projects was appointed by the Chris Hani District Municipality (Eastern Cape) to aid with the design of multiple water supply projects collectively defined as the Cluster 6 Water Supply Backlog. The Jalisa Reticulation Supply Scheme is one of the reticulation schemes that obtains water from the Mnyolo Bulk Water Supply Scheme. This supply conveys water from a 500Kl command reservoir to seven smaller reservoirs ranging from 10Kl to 200Kl, consequently supplying water to approximately 5 490 village residents. The design of these gravity water supply systems proved to be a constant challenge due to the very steep and undulating nature of the terrain. A break pressure tank was used to serve as a bulk reservoir, which is situated on the peak of a valley and supplies water via a line that runs through the lowest parts of the valley and rises up again to reach the receiving water tanks. The key to an effective design was to place the supply reservoir at a height that would generate enough pressure to supply the higher receiving reservoirs, but still limit the pressure in the lowest sections of the line. Despite the efforts to minimise pressure, the line still reached pressures of up to 55 bar. While break pressure tanks could be used in the reticulation system, the bulk system could not afford to break any pressure. A pump placed at the bottom of the valley was also not an option due to challenges regarding access to electricity, a high risk of fuel theft and lack of proper maintenance. Further challenges became apparent during construction when vehicles could not reach the location of one of Cluster 6’s proposed reservoirs. The need for a different mode of transportation led to donkeys being used to carry construction materials up a very steep route. The priority for these projects was to deliver simple solutions which were practical and suitable for rural villages. A back-to-basics approach was necessary to achieve sustainability. Jeanette Jacobs - [email protected] Mkonkhota, Gqaga reservoir R67 facelift between Makhanda and Fort Beaufort The repair and resurfacing of the R67 between Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) and Fort Beaufort in the Eastern Cape for SANRAL is nearing completion. The project, which primarily involved the surfacing of the existing gravel shoulders to widen the surfaced roadway from 6.4m to 8m improving the safety standard of the road is 97% complete. Community development has been a key focus of the project with 22 local subcontractors employed for various parts of the works in order to achieve the targeted enterprise expenditure set by SANRAL. These works included the following: • Subsoil drains. • Concrete-lined drains. • Concrete footpaths and edge beams. • Earthworks for rest areas. • Finishing of the road reserve. • Fencing. Alex Erens - [email protected] Bosch Ulwazi marks its 10th anniversary this year, with a track record in the advancement of engineering skills across South Africa. The company was originally established in 2009 as a subsidiary of Bosch Holdings, to mentor engineers and project managers to achieve professional registration with regulatory bodies. To-date, the company has developed 78 emerging enterprises in South Africa, which are now profitable and sustainable organisations. Mnyolo villages Road signs. Installation of roadside furniture at rest areas. Construction of a roadside vendor area. Refurbishment of a historical monument along the route. Bosch Ulwazi 10 Years and going strong A critical part of Bosch Ulwazi’s operations is to identify, mentor and develop black-owned businesses, to support a client’s supplier and enterprise development goals. In partnership with leading organisations, including state owned enterprises, Bosch Ulwazi plays a key role in the development of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises. The highly- skilled team provides guidance on project and operations management, skills development and the planning and implementation of expansion strategies, in compliance with corporate governance. Donkeys transporting building material in Dulati • • • • Front: Felicity Mostert and Sthembile Nikwe Back: Balan Govender (MD) and Tertia Reid Bosch Ulwazi’s success over 10 years can be attributed to a firm commitment to the highest standards of education and skills development. Carefully structured needs-analysis and development plans are tailored to suit the requirements of each individual and business. The team’s hands-on, step-by- step approach and individualised support, ensures that every enterprise achieves its specific milestones. Balan Govender - [email protected]