Bosal SA - August 2013 | Page 11

Bosal Afrika 2013 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION AND EXPENDITURE Bosal Afrika CONSUMTPIONS (kWh) Account Number 5005202565 TOTAL Month Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 kWh 522,527.00 449,741.00 509,571.00 1481839.00 kVa 1564 1586 1470 4620.00 R R R R EXPENDITURE Council Bill Amount 539,524.61 506,670.02 573,022.65 1,619,217.28 Over / Undercharge R R R - kWh 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 Jun-13 kVa Jul-13 Aug-13 EXPENDITURE R 600,000.00 R 550,000.00 R 500,000.00 R 450,000.00 Jun-13 *The graph compares consumption and expenditure over a three month period. Increase in expenditure - refer to audit comments Jul-13 Aug-13 NUS Consulting SA - August 2013