The day of admission and surgery
You will be admitted to hospital on the morning of surgery. It is
understood that you will have had a thorough shower using the
chlorhexidine body wash (provided at your pre assessment visit)
prior to your admission. If you have any further questions for
your surgeon or anaesthetist please write them down in this book
and bring them with you to hospital. Your operation will be in the
morning and you should not eat or drink from midnight.
In hospital
During the admission process, your surgeon, anaesthetist,
admission nurse and theatre nurse will see you. This will mean that
different people ask you the same questions. This is a safety issue,
and although it can be frustrating, it is important. Use this time to
ask any questions that you may have.
Once you have been admitted and changed into your theatre gown
and stockings to prevent leg clots, you will wait in the preoperative
area until theatre is ready. A final check between the theatre staff
and the admission staff takes place before you are taken into the
theatre. If you currently use CPAP, your machine will be sent to the
recovery room to be used after your surgery is finished.
You will move onto the theatre bed, which is narrow and firm. A
blood pressure cuff, ECG and an oxygen monitor will be attached to
you, so your anaesthetic team can monitor you closely throughout