Blood products
There is a small risk that you may need to have a blood
transfusion. A transfusion of blood or blood products is only given
when the benefits outweigh the risks.
You have the right to decide whether you want to have the
treatment or not. You can ask as many questions as you need, to
ensure you are making the right choice.
Pain is not normally very troublesome after this procedure.
Occasionally, the gas used to inflate the stomach can cause pain
in the shoulder tip, but this rarely lasts long and is easily controlled.
Any nausea and vomiting can be managed with medication.
You will be asked to sign a consent form to show that the benefits,
risks and alternatives for your treatment, including transfusion of
blood products, have been explained to you. The consent form will
confirm that you have been able to ask any questions and that you
agree to receive the treatment.
If you refuse to have the transfusion when needed, the risks to your
health are likely to increase.
Further information about blood transfusions can be found at:
The contact for the Tauranga Hospital Liaison Committee for
Jehovah Witnesses is Clarence Ririnui and he can be contacted on
07 572 3462 or 027 776 4898.