BOPDHB Patient Resources Fractured Neck of Femur Patient Handbook- May 2015 | Page 37

When you are first discharged from hospital you may need a bit more help than you did before your admission. It is important to remember that it can take time to recover from the fracture and the operation to repair it. Home support If you require assistance with home tasks eg; cleaning floors, hanging washing and your own personal showering and dressing then the Social Worker will discuss with you what can be put in place appropriate to your circumstances. Not everyone is entitled to cleaning assistance. If there is someone else in the house who is able-bodied and has capacity to do these tasks, you may not be eligible. Please discuss this with your social worker if you have any concerns. After being discharged home After being discharged to go home If you previously had home support you will need to advise the Social Worker/nursing staff of which home care provider you use. The home care provider will then be informed of when you are going home so they resume your home care support. If your injury has been caused by an accident, such as a fall, then home support services will be provided via ACC. If your injury is not related to an accident then support will be organised by the District Health Board. 35