BOPDHB Patient Resources Fractured Neck of Femur Patient Handbook- May 2015 | Page 33

These exercises are designed to increase the mobility of your new hip. All exercises should be done slowly and in a controlled manner. You should be aiming to do all of these exercises about four to five times a day. As you get stronger you will be able to do more each time. To start with, aim to do 10 repetitions of each exercise and build up to do 20. Quadriceps (thigh) exercise Physiotherapy Exercises Day 1 After Your Operation With your toes pulled towards you, tighten your thigh muscles by pushing your knee down into the bed. Hold for five seconds and relax. Repeat 10 times each hour Knee extension Place a rolled towel under your knee. Keep your thigh resting on the rolled towel and lift your heel off the bed so that you fully straighten your knee. Hold for five seconds and slowly lower. Repeat 10 times each hour Hip and knee flexion Lying on your back, slowly slide your heel up the bed, bending your knee, then slowly straighten again. Repeat 10 times each hour 31