BOPDHB Patient Resources Fractured Neck of Femur Patient Handbook- May 2015 | Page 27

The second and following days after your operation you can expect the following to happen :
• Your urinary catheter will be removed .
• You will be seen by a doctor from the Orthopaedic Team .
• You will continue to receive regular oral medication
• Your pain pump ( patient controlled analgesia ), if not stopped yesterday , may now be removed .
• You will be encouraged to wash , dress and toilet yourself as independently as possible .
• You will need to dress in your own clothes .
• You will sit out of bed for all your meals .
• Your physiotherapist or their assistant will visit you at least once a day to help with your exercises and supervise your walking .
• You may receive a visit from a social worker to assess any social needs for your discharge .
• Your occupational therapist may assess your ability to manage essential everyday tasks . This may include transfers on and off a bed , chair and toilet . They will also ensure that you can wash and dress yourself .
• Your occupational therapist may also issue you with any equipment you may need at home .
• You may be transferred to a rehabiliation area . This may be in the same ward or in a different ward .
In hospital