BOPDHB History Tauranga Hospital Centennial Book | Page 39

11 X-ray and Imaging In 1914 doctors were unable to see inside the body. Today, Tauranga Hospital’s Radiology Department has equipment that enables doctors to see inside the body through the use of x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI and CT scans. They can immediately see what is wrong or broken and start treatment quickly, saving lives. Dr Roy Buchanan, Head of Radiology Department Dr Roy Buchanan started at the current Radiology Department when it was still relatively new in 1986. “At that time we didn’t have a CT scanner so we could only take x-rays or an ultrasound and then evaluate patients clinically. We would decide what was happening based on our results, clinical findings and laboratory tests,” says Roy. “If a patient came in with a brain tumour, acute bleeding in the brain or trauma we wouldn’t have always been able to diagnose the underlying problem.” “A skull x-ray would be taken and a fracture may have been identified. Calcium might have been visible on the x-ray and we could say, ‘that’s in the position where I’d expect it’, or, ‘it’s moved’. That’s basically as far as you could go with the skull x-ray. Whereas now with a CT scan we can see inside the brain. We can identify the location of a haemorrhage or any mass that might be there. This has resulted in a huge difference in the management of the patient,” says Roy. “When CT scanning first started, the initial scanners were very slow and the image quality was poor. Now we can scan a patient from head to foot basically in seconds. It’s very fast and the images start coming up as soon as you start scanning. We can have something like 2000 images produced from a CT scan within 30 seconds.” “Within seconds of the patient having an x-ray or scan we can see the diseased organ using computerised imaging (PACS), and at a click of a button it can be viewed from multiple angles on a computer screen by any doctor within the Midland Region,” says Roy. “Before CT scans, a person with a head injury would be monitored in hospital for at least 24 hours. They’d have constant nursing care; taking blood pressure and looking for changes in pupil reactions over 24 hours. Now we can immediately identify the problem and treat the patient so much better because we can see what’s going on.” “Ultrasound allows us to see organs, a beating heart or a baby moving. CT scanning allows us to assess most major injuries and MRI allows us to see the fine detail of tendons, the brain and the spinal cord. It’s a different world.” Recollection of Dr Paul Mountfort, Retired Senior Surgeon. The X-ray Department had a main room with the usual universal x-ray plant was a couch with an over-tube for doing most x-rays. It could be raised up to the vertical and had an under-couch tube and a screen for doing barium studies of stomach and bowel. There was also a very fine portable Westinghouse which the medical staff could use when the radiographer was not available. There was a radiographer but no radiologist so the doctors had to diagnose based on the patient’s films. Did You Know? Tauranga Hospital works hard to care for the greatest number of patients in the least amount of time. To do this as efficiently and effectively as possible doctors need to know exactly what’s wrong with the patient. Doctors require as much information as possible and today imaging is considered to be a basic requirement for diagnosis alongside blood and laboratory tests. 33