BOPDHB History Tauranga Hospital Centennial Book | Page 30

Māori Health Development at Tauranga Hospital
Following the Influenza Epidemic ( 1918 ) the Tauranga Hospital Board identified the need to appoint a Native Nurse to service Māori communities and she was provided with a horse and trap until 1933 when she got a car .
Major typhoid outbreak in the Māori settlement of Matapihi , the Native Nurse still employed to service these settlements and Māori communities .
Seven Decades of Hospital Care by Rex E Wright-St Clair
In 1930 there was a major outbreak of typhoid fever in the Māori settlement of Matapihi . The Medical Officer of Health from Auckland , in whose district the Bay of Plenty then lay , insisted on the Isolation Ward at Tauranga Hospital being opened to admit six of the cases . Additional beds and bedding had to be bought , and also a tent to accommodate the three extra nurses who had to be taken on temporarily from Auckland .
Formation of Te Puna Hauora Kaupapa Māori Health Service within Tauranga Hospital .
1999 - 2000
Merging of Tauranga Hospital ( Western Bay Health ) and Whakatane Hospital ( Eastern Bay Health ) to become Pacific Health .
Formation of the BOPDHB Māori Health Runanga consisting of representatives from the 18 iwi ( tribes ) across Mataatua ( Bay of Plenty ).
Opening of Kaupapa Ward by local iwi and Kaumatua .
2009 / 10
Amalgamation of Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty Māori Health Services .
Te Amorangi Kāhui Kaumatua Council ( Provider Arm ) formed consisting of representatives from the 18 iwi among the Bay of Plenty District Health Board and Department of Health geographic boundaries .