BOPDHB History Tauranga Hospital Centennial Book | Page 24

Nursing Staff on Christmas Day 1945. Tauranga Hospital Staff 1946. Second row Dr Sligo, Medical Superintendent; Miss Jenkins, Matron and Dr Shaw. A copy of ‘Suture Line’ Tauranga Hospital’s magazine 1963-64. Submitted by Jenny Garland. Graduation Class 1976 Jill Stanton (Chubb) The photo below, shows most of the Graduating Class in 1976. We had two intakes in 1973, February and April. The reason for this was the building of a third floor Maternity Annexe with a Theatre, Children’s Ward and Gynaecological Ward and the additional intake was to provide the extra staff required. Nurses in the NZRN Christmas float 1950’s. Left to right: Nurse Dorothy Rowe nee Bowie; Staff Nurse Margaret Satherley; Sister Ruth Reston, Nurses Anne Dunne and Colleen Scott and Staff Nurse, Doreen Honeycomb. Prelim Class 1963. Front row: Left to right - Moira Malone, Sue MacDonald, Lorraine Small, Jopie Courvee, Jenny Garland, Joy Parnwell, Dallas Friers and Beryl McFarlane. Back row: Left to right - Margaret Jesty, Dorothy Quigg, Lyn Thompson, Karen McDowell, Lyn Quarrie, Barbara Fryett, Marlene Zanders and Mary Tunna. 18 Nurse training began with the three month-long Preliminary Class known as Prelim. During this time we learned theory and practical such as bed baths, and making beds before becoming part of the work-force in the wards as a ‘one striper’.