From left: Debbie van Dijk, David Jones, Natalie Oakley, Jewelz Toko, Angela Wadsworth, Michael Joyce, Rachel Hall, Chris Southerwood, Glenda Gillgren, Chris Cook,
Karina Craine, Caleb Putt, Pierre de Villiers. Absent: Isabel Raiman
Leadership in health
The closing session of the 2016 Midlands
Leadership in Practice programme (LIPP) took
place on September 7th at the Education Centre.
The two Midland Leadership programmes; Leadership in Practice
and Health Leaders Advanced (HLA) have been offered for the
last ten years. There are two LIP programmes each year. February
– September hosted by BOP at Tauranga and July – March hosted
by Waikato at Hamilton. HLA runs from February to October each
year in Hamilton. The programmes provide valuable learning
opportunities for leader/managers in the Midland DHBs – Bay of
Plenty, Lakes, Tairawhiti, Taranaki and Waikato.
Once again feedback from participants of the 2016 programme
was unanimously positive, comments such as:
I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues and
was surprised to see so few medical professionals present.
Thank you
I have become a more forward thinking, positive person
I understand better my own values and how that impacts on
my leadership style
I am feeling more confident and have more positive
communication happening with peers.
New and experienced managers benefit significantly from the LIP
programme which covers current theory but has an emphasis on
integrating learnings into daily practice. It is the practical element
that has made the programme such a success for previous