Interesting Infographics
in these graphics, represent the number of times each word was
used in the patients’ feedback. These graphics will be used in our
communications to focus our actions and stimulate discussion in
the ‘Creating our culture’ workshops.
The words in these infographics are a simple visual representation
of the compliments and complaints received by the BOPDHB from
June to October 2016. In that time period 160 complaints were
received and 90 compliments received. The size of the font used
Patients tell us, at our best we are…
Height of words is proportional to the number of times it was
mentioned by patients in compliments sent in about about care at
Bay of Plenty DHB, from June to October 2016. n=90
But we have a consistency challenge…
Height of words proportional to the number of times each was
mentioned by patients in complaints about about care at Bay of
Plenty DHB, from June to October 2016. n=160