Do you want to be a facilitator?
Training will be given ...
'Creating our culture' will involve everyone – staff, patients, their
families and whānau – in improving the experience our patients
have in our care, and our own experience working here.
We will continue to run these listening sessions going forward
and your skills will be invaluable to the DHB in taking forward new
ways of listening to and involving those we serve.
We are looking for facilitators to support the running of the
sessions, both to ensure their success, and to learn what’s
involved so we can then fully facilitate future sessions, in-house.
Facilitating the sessions is an essential part of learning about how
they work, and how to take on the lead facilitator role.
What’s involved for facilitators?
Each ‘In Your Shoes’ event will be hosted and facilitated by a
team of BOPDHB staff. There are several facilitator roles at each
event including:
Lead facilitation is being provided by Tim Keogh of April
Strategy, who designed these events. You will be able to
observe how the sessions are run, so that you can lead future
Welcoming people ‘as if guests in our own home’, registering,
providing tea and coffee and ensuring attendees (both patients
and staff) are comfortable.
Supporting group discussions, making summarizing notes,
collecting and clustering post-it note.
Pastoral care of attendees, supporting patients or staff if any
emotional issues arise.
Setting up and breaking down the room – an essential part of
any facilitation role.
Roles are similar for the staff and leaders’ sessions.
How much time will it take?
The facilitator training sessions will take 2 hours at 9am on
Monday 28 November. Thereafter, each session lasts 2 or 2.5
hours for attendees, but 3 hours for facilitators who will also set
up the session, and clear up afterwards. We will need up to 40
facilitators for the sessions.
What skills do I need?
We would like facilitators to be from all different care and
professional groups across the organisation. You need to be able
to listen sympathetically (one of our core competencies), and be
interested in how we can improve patient and staff experience.
To facilitate sessions in future you will need to be confident
standing up in front of a group of 30 or so people. You do not need
to be an expert facilitator – we will teach you everything you will
need to know to help us facilitate the events.
To register as a facilitator, or find out more, email engage@ or call 0800 engage (0800 364 243).
Facilitator guidance and training will be provided for all facilitators
in advance. This is a great opportunity to learn, or further develop,
facilitation skills generally and ‘In their shoes’ listening workshops
Do you want to be a listener for the patient their
families and whānau sessions?
What does it involve for staff?
In summary...
Pairing up with a patient and / or their families and whānau
(whose care you haven’t been directly involved with).
1. Getting to know your patient, their families or whānau.
Acting as their ‘host’ for the whole session – making
sure they’re comfortable, listening to their experience of
our services, putting yourself in their shoes, resisting the
temptation to explain or defend and writing down the good and
bad aspects of their experience – what happened and how it
made them feel.
Helping them to share their key points in a group, acting as an
advocate for them and their story.
2. Listening to their story and writing down the detail of what
happened / how they felt.
3. Talking in small groups to identify themes and understand
changes they’d like to see.
You won’t be expected to answer patients’ questions about their
care, your role is simply to listen empathetically, and write down
what your patient tells you.
To register as a listener for In Your Shoes sessions email
[email protected] or call 0800 364 243.