Tēna koutou katoa. Anei te mihi a te Rūnanga Hauora Māori o Te Moana a Toi
(Māori Health Rūnanga). Ko te tumanako kei te noho ora mai koutou ngā
whānau katoa.
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio; He huka; He hau hū
Tīhei mauri ora!
Feel the changing northerly and
southerly winds
Watch shifting ebb and flow of the
See the red-tipped light of dawn
The ice, and frost and a fresh breeze
Behold, alas the breath of life!
Treaty Partnership
The Māori Health Rūnanga (MHR) is the Tiriti o Waitangi /Treaty of Waitangi Partner of the BOPDHB
- Hauora a Toi. There are 18 Iwi mandated representatives that provide a crucial Māori voice at a
governing level to all matters important to whānau, hapū and iwi.
To achieve Toi Ora (optimum wellbeing) the focus is to address the broader determinants of Health
such as employment, income, housing, education, justice and social services from a Māori worldview
as represented in the He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua Framework and monitored via the He Ritenga
Cultural Audit Tool.
To reaffirm the special and unique relationship between the Māori Health Rūnanga and the BOPDHB
Board a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed in May 2017 at Hei Marae in Manoeka (Te
Puke) that would continue to cement our commitment to a governance partnership.
As a symbol of partnership there are combined quarterly Board/Māori Health Rūnanga hui which
have been invaluable in building a greater understanding of challenges and opportunities for the
respective boards and ensuring robust monitoring of Māori Health indicator performance, in which
we have overarching governance of. Iwi strategic updates and the Good to Great Strategy update
are standard agenda items at these Hui.