Booth Guidelines 2023 Booth Guidelines | Page 6

Electrical Every exhibit facility has different electrical requirements ; however , minimum guidelines are suggested :
• Non-grounded two ( 2 ) wired extension cords are not permitted .
• Extension cords shall not be run under carpet / rugs unless designed to or is approved by the in-house electricians .
• There shall be a three ( 3 ) foot clearance between lights and combustibles .
• All electrical cords , devices and equipment shall be free from defects .
• All electrical cords in the path of travel shall be taped down to prevent tripping .
• All 110-volt wiring should be grounded three-wire .
• Wiring that touches the floor should be “ SO ” cord ( minimum 14-gauge / three-wire ) flat cord , which is insulated to qualify for “ extra hard usage ”.
• Cord wiring above floor level can be “ SJ ” which is rated for “ hard usage ”.
• Using zip cords , two-wire cords , latex cords , plastic cord , lamp cord , open clip sockets , and two-wire clampon fixtures is not recommended and is often prohibited . Cube taps are not recommended and are often prohibited .
• Power strips ( multi-plug connectors ) should be UL approved , with built-in over-load protectors .
Lighting Exhibitors should adhere to the following suggested minimum guidelines when determining booth lighting :
• No lighting , fixtures , lighting trusses or overhead lighting are allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space .
• Lighting should be directed to the inner confines of the booth space . Lighting should not project onto other exhibits or show aisles .
• Lighting which is potentially harmful , such as lasers or ultraviolet lighting , should comply with facility rules and be approved in writing by exhibition management .
• Lighting that spins , rotates , pulsates and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event .
Storage Fire regulations in most exhibit facilities prohibit storing product , literature , empty packing containers or packing materials behind back drapes or under draped tables . In most cases , however , exhibitors may store a limited supply of literature or product appropriately within the booth area , so long as these items do not impede access to utility services , create a safety problem or look unsightly .
Subletting & Use of Space No exhibitor shall assign , share , sell or sublet any part of its assigned space , nor represent , advertise or distribute literature for the product or services of any other company or individual . Exhibitors are not permitted to feature names of non-exhibiting manufacturers , brands , distributors or agents in the exhibitor ’ s booth space unless the names or products are a subsidiary company or brand owned by the contracted exhibiting company or their parent company . Upon request , all exhibitors must be prepared to show proof of business relationship with affiliated company . Distributors may submit a request to be qualified as an ISPA Distributor if multiple non-proprietary brands are requested to be displayed within a Distributor ’ s booth .
In the published Exhibitor list , Exhibitors are allowed one ( 1 ) Company Name per 100 square feet of assigned exhibit space . Company name is exclusionary of any brands , ‘ dba ’, or product titles . ISPA reserves the right to review your listed company name and request an update if we find it is in violation of these rules .
Selling The Expo is held strictly as a means or product and / or services exhibiting and display . Over-the-counter or retail sales of any products or services are strictly prohibited during the Conference . Vendors must not complete sales by receiving payment / payment information or delivering their products in any contracted ISPA space during the Conference . This policy will be strictly enforced and ISPA reserves the right to remove any exhibiting company found exchanging currency or payment information on the trade show floor or in the convention areas , with no refund of booth or membership fees . Orders may be taken for future delivery only .