Ephesians 6:16 then you will not be protected. Having faith is not just the confidence but the boldness to actually put on the whole armor of God, its the ability to stand flat- footed as well as unwavering even though your mind suggest you move.
Know in battle stray bullets hit those that are running without a plan, that most casualties of war come from making moves against the instruction given out of fear. Be reminded you can not walk in fear and say you have faith; for faith is what crushes the spirit of fear. It is written
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 1Timothy 1:7
Interesting how the reference above speaks of power[authority], love[compassion], but most importantly a sound mind[stablity]. Know you can not walk in faith being conflicted in your beliefs and you can not be prosperous in your labor if your double-minded. Consider the beaver labors to build a dame but if he did not have faith in his abilities the beaver fails before he begins. The adversary will suggest you question the authority given to you, suggest kindness is a weakness, and being of sound mind is just an opinion.
Please remember what is written A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 and you can not serve two masters according to Matthew 6:24. Walking by faith is what a blind man does when he allows his guide to lead him and walking by faith is what the eagle does every time he takes flight to soar in the air he can not see.
For nature walking by faith is not an option rather a requirement for survival for what would happen to a rabbit that did not follow his instincts to flea or a lion that did not follow his instinct to hunt; would they not surely die.
This is why the gift of faith is so miraculous beause without it we could never find the way, learn the truth, or gain eternal life; we would surely die. Without the gift of faith we would not be aware of the signs as well as wonders on the land, we would never be stretched outside our comfort zone or experience the unlimited power of the MOST HIGH in our circumstances. Man would have never aspired beyond the sky, discovered the land was round, or realized the ingredients for what ills man today was put on the land yesterday; just so he could find them.
Understand faih comes by the hearing of the word of God because its the testimony that encourages you to try it yourself. It is the overcoming of adversity[problems], the passing of trials[test], and the enduring of tribulation[suffering] that grows your faith according to Romans 5:3.
To walk in faith we must be willing to accept the perfection of God desire and admit that our lust just leads us to disappointment for it is written For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1John 2:16
So rest assured in the faith you have placed in the MOST HIGH and boldly without doubt take all things to God in prayer according to 1Timothy 2:8.