Boot Camp Gift of the Spirit | Page 2




The ability to comprehend

Wisdom is a gift because God does not have to disclose the secrets of his instruction, God does not have to share the information needed for us to stand or have a relationship with him. God allows us to gain an understanding so that we can have a more prosperous life and that we may live life more abundantly.

Know that there was very few that was given the gift of wisdom, there was very few that was allowed the pearls required to defeat the adversity they faced, and it was very few that got to experience the MOST HIGH in such a fashion that allowed them to feel they understood the God they loved.

Consider 1 Kings 10:24[KJV] Simplified

And all the land attempted to find Solomon, to hear his understanding and realization, which God had put in his heart.

Be reminded the gift of wisdom is only given to you by God, man can only give you his limited perception of what is written, and the 2 cent opinion of your mind is governed by your natural five senses.

Be mindful past generation traditions, religious teaching, and assumptions are not wisdom. For what has been done for a lifetime does not make it right, what has been taught does not make it correct, and guessing is only for the foolish.

Having true understanding allows you to embrace clarity for it is written

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1Corinthians 14:33[KJV]

Know that understanding is not written on the cells of your brian but the strings of your heart. Wisdom is not something taught rather something revealed. Consider a young child sitting at the foot of an elder, listening to the elders adventures of yesterday hoping to hear something that can be used to assist him in this day. As the elder shares he may not be aware that what is being shared is influencing a young mind as well as inspiring his heart for it is written Proverbs 9:10[KJV] Simplified The fear of the Lord[Ruler of Salvation] is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge[experience] of the holy[sacred] is understanding.

Keep in mind that what a person understand with their mind is consider leaning to your own understanding which is not the instruction of God rather we are to allow the spirit of Christ to reveal the wonders of the land and beyond.

A light bulb is not wisdom rather the vessel where wisdom is stored because without the source; it can not light your way