Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Page 32


This course encouraged me to use PBL in my classes and I’m glad to see that my students like to work in team and they are active in the learning process. However, I realize that I won’t use PBL as much as I would like to do, because Portuguese educational system is very limited by a large syllabus and with PBL students need much more time to research, discuss ideas and work with each other.

In my classes, I try to get students involved in their learning - I often propose group/peer work; I propose that they seek answers to the questions asked, present them, discuss them and draw conclusions from them. I recognize that in this way students learn more motivated and learning is more effective; however, there are still obstacles that need to be overcome in order to use the PBL methodology more and better, among them, the extension of the syllabus and the lack of autonomy and responsibility revealed by students.

Applying diverse classroom techniques is beneficial. The TA course has innovatively revealed some ideas to put into practice. The application to mathematics is very versatile and I will have more ideas.