Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Page 13

only be given the go-ahead after the school/school clusters have ensured that there will not be a break in the lessons the teacher normally gives. If the train teacher’s own initiative, it will have to be done when there is no teaching, during the school holidays. - The principal can decide if a certain course is compulsory for some teachers, if it is considered important for the school performance, plan, improvement... - The principal is a member of the local school association centre and belongs to its Board of Directors. Together with the centre director they decide th upcoming year(s). - 1 teacher from each school cluster is also part of a special section of the school association centre and together with the director of the centre they come plan that has to be approved by the Board of Directors. - Teachers hand in a copy of their certificates at the school administration in order to be included in their professional files. lleagues to participate in TA courses elation to Action to achieve goal Steps required to implement the action Resources required Stakeholders to involve training is t attend 25h 50h at the e are 10 - Have teachers answer a survey to know their CPD preferences - Share the pilot in Conselho Pedagógico/CP (Pedagogical Council) meetings (meetings run by the principal with all the heads of department) to acknowledge the importance of participating in this project – both at individual level and for the school – and present TA website and courses 1. Have a meeting with the principal to present the pilot 2. Get permission to run a survey among teachers in AECS 3. Create the survey 4. Write the text/Create a PPT to be presented by the principal in the CP meeting explaining the essentials of the pilot 5. Send the survey to all teachers via official school email 6. Analyse the results 7. Design specific actions to clarify unknown facts – certification and accreditation of online courses/webinars; present TA website and courses Computer Internet Survey Principal Heads Department AECS Teachers - Organise a study group to take a TA course (Introducing Project-Based Learning in your Classroom) together so that there is a support infrastructure for colleagues when they have questions - Choose teachers from different backgrounds and with different levels of English proficiency to get a wider range of responses to the participation in the course - Decide the best date to take the course – June/July or September/October - Do the different modules of the course always at the same time – some in a room in school and others at home, which will allow participants to experience different situations: being together in school allows for a closer support on my part, whereas at home, each one will have to take decisions on their own and only in extreme cases will they contact me, even though I’m doing the modules at the same time. The goal is to make them more autonomous and 1. Recruit at least five/six colleagues to participate in the PBL course 2. Choose the best date to take the course 3. Find a room in school to meet with the participants and do the first modules together 4. Choose the best days and time to do the remaining modules at home 5. Create the analysis grid, sort of a learning diary, where teachers write down the challenges they face during participation in the course and ways they can be overcome 6. Ask EUN for certification of the course attended Computer Internet Classroom Analysis grid/Learning Diary Certificates Teachers in study group EUN er in-person ocal School hich has free that online tificates of se can be -Pedagogical onal Training Key Milestones of 1. End of April - get a principal and create t be presented at the C 2. Beginning of May – 3. May – Sending the after CP meeting 4. End of May – Dead submissions 5. June – Analyse the articipate in n as well as person over nalysis (108 dents prefer face-to-face ndents have continuing s, 73.1% of achers) have ine course; maining 29 nsor of the ed was the ation (DGE), of answers, Universities Associations. r Academy ed European the PAGE \* 1. May - Find 5 participate in the T dates to take the cou 2. May/June – create diary 3. End of June/Beg September/beginning course 4. After the course learning diaries, get them to CCPFC for ac