Boopsie for Libraries: Star Partner Integrations August 2014 | Page 9

Star Partners


9 offers a platform that enables libraries to provide one-on-one, personalized career and academic help for every member of your community. The platform also offers access to thousands of academic resources to aid in tutoring and career counseling.

Apple and Android device users can easily launch the Integration right from Your Library App. If your patron doesn’t have the app already installed, Your Library App will automatically take them to the App Store to download it. If you or your patrons don’t have an Apple or Android device, never fear! They can still access’s services via the HTML5 classroom.

Read more about the integration on Boopsie's here.


eLibrary helps make complex searching easier with research topic pages, timeline tools, highlight and look up tools, as well as various searching techniques, including topic, reference and standards (like Common Core State Standards).

Once you add the ProQuest integration to your library's mobile app, eLibrary is easily accessible to your patrons through your Boopsie library app. Your patrons or students will simply click on the eLibrary channel of your app, to access the entire wealth of your eLibrary subscription.

Read more about the integration on Boopsie's blog.