Boomer Review March 2013 | Page 3

Introducing the Boomer Literary Supplement (BLS) (BLS)

Who Are We?

Some years ago we founded a new website and we featured record and movie reviews and personal memoirs from boomers. Now we are moving to the online magazine format, as this offers us a more flexible way to welcome contributions about our turbulent era.

This is our first issue of the Booomer Literary Supplement (BLS) . Our aim is to provide a sample of some offerings that mostly lean to historical takes on the cultural history of our era. We want to expand the range of contributors and are eager for your creative fiction and non fictional pieces that reflect on our times.

We are open to a variety of approaches from the personal essay, the book review, poetry, commentary, interviews, or fiction.

We believe our magazine offers a generational perspective not available elsewhere. We are encouraging you to write to us and submit your material. We will write back and we promise to consider every contribution carefully.

Email us at [email protected]

you to spread the word and tell your friends about BLS and encourage them to contribute as well.

With your help we hope to bring out new issues about once every two or three months.

The Editors

Laurence and

Mike Peters

[email protected]

[email protected]