Revival of 1965’s spirit
s expected and feared by India watchers after last year’s
electoral victory by BJP, India under Modi is well poised
on a collision course with Pakistan, reinforcing his antiMuslim and anti-Pakistan credentials. There are very strong
portents to suggest that India is working on a well conceived
plan to harm Pakistan economically and militarily. The overt
and covert efforts by India to sabotage the implementation of
CPEC on the diplomatic level and through RAW-sponsored terrorist acts with Pakistan, efforts to scuttle the new-found bonhomie between Pakistan and Afghanistan through its agents
and contacts in Afghanistan, pursuance of anti-Pakistan diplomatic initiative in the gulf countries, repeated violations of the
LOC and the working boundary and bellicose blustering by the
Indian leaders about teaching Pakistan a lesson and sabotaging the talks between Security Advisers are signs of Indias hegemonic designs. The façade of talks with Pakistan is actually
being used as a smoke screen to hoodwink the international
community by portraying Pakistan as an un-willing partner in
promoting regional peace. Some circles see these machinations may a prelude to preparing ground for possibly a limited
military adventure against Pakistan; a policy option that reportedly has been resonating in Indian military circles ever since
Modi government has been installed. On the internal front efforts are also on the anvil to build war-hysteria against Pakistan. The Modi government probably feels that Pakistan at the
moment was most vulnerable due its military being engaged
in operation Zarb-e-Azb, fighting terrorism and insurgency
throughout the country and minding the Pak-Afghan border.
The Indian military strategists and the Indian government
seem under the illusion that it was an appropriate time to prove
their ascendency in military prowess and forcing Pakistan into
accepting the Indian hegemony in the region.The Indian leadership is in complete disconnect with the ground realities, the
military might of Pakistan and the preparedness and capability
of its armed forces to defend the motherland against any external aggression. They proved their credentials in 1965 war.
Pakistan is now a nuclear power and its defense forces are
far better equipped to deal with any eventuality. International
defense analysts are of the considered view that in case of a
military confrontation between the two countries, India would
be biggest loser. India while entertaining any thought of military aggression against Pakistan must not forget the lessons
of 1965 war and the faith-driven valour of the armed forces
of Pakistan and the sons of the soil, who through their heroic
and awe-inspiring gallantry thwarted her evil designs.Perhaps
a brief account of the 1965 war would remind the Indians what
would be in store for them 50 years down the line if they ever
dared to take a plunge into military confrontation with Pakistan as well as to refresh the memories of the people who witnessed the military confrontation between the two countries.
When India launched full-fledged attack against Pakistan on
6th of September and crossed the international borders after
its army suffered incessant set-backs in the fight in Jammu
and Kashmir—- with an avowed aim of capturing Lahore, it
met with unprecedented resistance by the Pakistan Army. The
Indian forces could not go beyond BRB canal despite having
superiority in military might and military hardware at its dispos-
al. Their repeated assaults were beaten back and for the rest
of the duration of war and they were forced to back-off; thanks
to the unrivalled bravery of Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Nishane-Haider and the men under his command. Pakistan Army not
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