BOOM September Issue | Page 16

REPORT short comparison of the land, air and Naval forces of Pakistan VS India O n the occasion of Defence Day of Pakistan, we’ve decided to do a short comparison of the Air, Land and Naval forces of Pakistan against those of our rival, India. From failed tank designs, laughable missile ‘capability’ to dud nuclear devices, it turns out Pakistan has done well for itself despite arms embargoes and sanctions from countries that have been lining up to offer their equipment to India. Its never wise to underestimate your foe – however this is intended to be a reality check for the hawks accross the border who wondered why India didn’t attack Pakistan in the aftermath of Mumbai. At the same time, we intend to let those Pakistanis know who wonder if we’ll be able to survive a conventional war with India, that ALLAH is our protector.Pakistan and India have met on the battlefield many times in the last six decades. On paper, it would seem to be no contest, but reality paints a different picture. India may be five times bigger and have more than twice as many soldiers and weapons, but it has always been unable to overpower Pakistan. Seeing Pakistan as a major obstacle to its vain plans for regional hegemony, India wants nothing more than to subjugate it. The fake ‘peace and friendship’ rhetoric is merely a cynical ploy.Bringing Pakistan to heel is India’s most ardent wish, just like it has done with most of its bordering neighbours.This is a fact that has been proven beyond any doubt by the covert re- bellions that India is actively stirring and sponsoring in Baluchistan and the NWFP. Also, the staged incidents and terrorist acts that resulted in India reflexively pointing a finger at Pakistan, only for the world to later realise that it was an Indian hatched enterprise. The Mumbai drama and the attack on the Indian parliament are cases in point. India looks for any excuse, no matter how spurious, to destabilise, demoralise the Pakistani nation and to stoke tensions and turn global opinion against Pakistan. It is only Pakistan’s brave armed forces that provide the necessary deterrence to prevent Indian adventurism. Highly capable, professional, well-equipped and world-renowned, Pakistan’s armed forces strike fear into the heart of the Indian generals who haven’t fallen for their own bollywood propaganda. Throughout the six decades of Pakistan’s existence, they have gone from strength to strength, fighting, flying and sailing fearlessly to war in defence of the homeland. In comparison, the Indian armed forces are bloated, arrogant and inefficient, a mere reflection of the national predilection for pen-pushing, bullying and boasting. The atrocities committed by the vaunted Indian Army in its own country are well documented. Their inhuman treatment of their own people from the Assamese and Tamils to the Sikhs and Marathis is a matter of record. The brutalisation of Kashmir is clear for the world to see. Only an invading force 16 | BOOM