Top 10 Most Common Summer
Diseases to Avoid
ummers are here and now we should be ready to
cope up with various summer diseases. It is not that
every individual suffers from these diseases, but still
precautions have to be taken by everyone even when
he is cent percent healthy and fit. Precautions are better
than treatment so be ready to check out our top 10 most
common summer diseases to avoid so that this summer
you stay safe from these illnesses.
10. Cough:
It is not that cough is only caused in winters, some of the
individuals suffer from this disease even in summers.
You should try your level best to avoid drinking too cold
water, which usually becomes the prior reason of cough
in summer.
9. Flu:
Flu is another common disease of summer and winter.
The same condition is again applied here, avoid excessive intake of oily foods and cold soft drinks. Flu is usually developed in children so you have to keep them away
from cold and chilled water in summer days.
8. Chicken Pox:
Chicken pox develops in the human beings due to a
special type of virus, Varicella zoster. This virus grows
in wete areas so when there are summers you should
make sure that the water tanks and other gardens are
sprayed properly to protect from such life-killing viruses.
7. Measles:
Measles is a severe disease of children, and is cause
due to paramyxo virus. This virus seriously infects our
throat and can cause us get hospitalized. Thanks God a
vaccine is now available to deal the patients of measles.
6. Back-pain:
Back-pain is usually caused in women who work at home
the whole day and even don’t take rest. This disease is
usually caused due to getting over-weight or exchange
of heavy home accessories. So in summers you should
take special measures to avoid the development of this
5. Skin rashes:
Skin rashes is a very common skin problem in children.
The moms who forget to change their baby’s diapers
timely are careless moms in the world. I believe the children have higher chances of rashes in summer due to
hot weather and sweating problems so we should do everything to not let this disease occur in our little babies.
4. Headache:
Headache usually occurs when we do not take rest and
keep on working under the sun the whole day. So, during
summers, this habit has to be changed or re-scheduled
to stay protected.
3. Jaundice:
It is also known with the name of Hepatitis A. Jaundice
basically develops due to the intake of unhygienic water and food items. In summer especially we should use
boiled water and eat lighter foods to avoid the development of jaundice.
2. Mumps:
Mumps is one of the most serious and threatening viral disease which occur in summer times. This virus is
transmitted from unhealthy to healthy individuals so we
need to avoid direct contact with the victims of this disease until they are cent percent cured and regained their
1. Typhoid:
Typhoid is a kind of severe fever which takes place due
to a specific bacterium, Salmonella typhi. This disease’s
symptoms include pain in abdomen, headache, weight
loss and weak bodies. So if you start seeing the arrival
of any of these symptoms contact your healthcare professional immediately for a treatment plan.
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