10 Signs You Need To
Upgrade Your Appearance
ising up the ranks but your style's still stuck at entry level? Chances are you've been so focused
on running the rat race as fast as possible that
you forgot to cop a couple of glances in a mirror along
the way. The result: a summer intern is showing you up
in the shoe department, you have bigger bags under
your eyes than the head honcho himself, and date night
doesn't seem to finish with fireworks anymore. So, slow
down and size yourself up. We're about to kick your look
into high gear.
A suit in your closet has three or more buttons
Over the years, three-button suits have waxed and
waned in wearability. Aside from handsome Neapolitanstyle sport coats where a third button is barely visible
from underneath a gently rolled lapel, buttons in excess
of three should be considered extinct. The two-button
suit is the standard n