7 Things to Do When You
You Hate All Your Clothes
eird as it may sound, when you're stuck in a
fashion rut, the last thing you want to do is go
shopping. That's how people end up with six
of the exact same top and nothing they actually want to
wear.The problem isn't that your clothes are ugly or you
have no style; you're just bored. You need to mix things
up and make getting dressed fun again! Here are seven
stylish games that will help you shake off that sartorial
1. Remove all the black from your wardrobe for one
whole week.
Don't just avoid the black pieces. Get them out of
your sight. Drop them at a friend's apartment, take
them to your parents' place, or shove them in the
trunk of your car just get them out of there. Don't
worry. It's only temporary.
• Next, hang up all your remaining clothes and organize them by silhouette and color. That way you can
really see what you have to work with.
• Now, start making outfits. Take pics as you go so
you remember what works.
• Throughout the week, keep a running list of items
you don't already own, adding to it every time you
put together an outfit and think, This outfit would be
even better if I only had ______.
The Payoff: By the end of the week, you should feel less
dependent on black clothing and have a nice little collection of no-black outfits photographed that you can refer
to if you find yourself slipping back into old habits. Reward yourself for all your hard work by taking your closet
wish list and going shopping. Just try to stay away from
anything black.
2. Make outfits at random and just see what happens.
• Set up different bags for different types of clothes
and accessories one for pants, one for shoes, one
for jackets, etc. and then divide up all your stuff into
their corresponding bags.
• Without looking, pull out one item from each bag until you have a completed look.
• Lay it out on the floor and take a picture of it, then
put all the pieces back in their proper bags and do
it again.
The Payoff: You may find that combinations you never
would have put together on purpose actually look really good. And even if that doesn't end up happening, at
least you'll be having a little fun with your wardrobe for
a change.
3. Wear the same basic outfit for a whole week. Two
weeks if you can stand it.
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Choose an easy, versatile outfit you can wear at
work or on the weekend. The simpler and more
straightforward it is, the better.
Pull out enough underwear to last you the week and
then put everything else away jewelry, shoes, bags,
clothes. All of it. Leave nothing out but the cloth accessories you have already pre-selected.
Wear your outfit every day for one whole week.
Stretch it out to two weeks if you can. Just make