BOOM Edition 3 September 2016 Issue | Page 22

F E AT U R E What We Want to See in Star Trek 4 W hether you’re just stepping into Star Trek via the Kelvin Timeline or a long-time fan of the franchise, one thing is clear: J.J. Abrams’ brought Star Trek back in a big way. The latest big screen outing, Star Trek Beyond, packed in tons of the Kelvin universe’s characteristic action, but seasoned it with a little more introspection and characterization. While Justin Lin’s latest high-octane adventure is a welcome addition to the alternative timeline, it seems clear the prevailing winds of mainstream cinema are tacking away from the blend of action and thought-provoking subtext the classic series and films exemplified. With the distraction of San Diego Comic-Con and tentpole competitors like Suicide Squad, the most recent Trek wasn’t exactly a box office smash. However, it did manage to snag enough viewers to keep the franchise going – which is fortunate, because Paramount announced a fourth film just prior to Beyond‘s release. The next installment will feature the return of James T. Kirk’s (Chris Pine) father George (played by Thor actor Chris Hemsworth), although to what degree and in what way is unknown at present. Early rumors also purport that the next entry may re- store the schism between the two timelines. Whether the fourth rebooted film resets the timeline or sets up the next batch of Kelvin sequels, it promises another romp with the now-familiar neo-classical cast. But just what are we looking for in the next big-screen Star Trek epic? JUST A DASH MORE INTELLECT Crafting a Star Trek film has always been a delicate balancing act, even during the classic era. Blending action and adventure with a thoughtful examination of humanity has always been tricky when most moviegoers are seeking a distraction from the daily grind. The latest offering, Star Trek Beyond, does a solid job exploring Kirk’s restiveness with his five-year mission and Spock’s conflict between his duty and his people. Yet as expected, the overall ethical bent of the series is relegated to buzzwords like unity, honor, and Krall’s (Idris Elba) reductive critique of the Federation. Three films in, it seems unlikely that Star Trek’s alternate universe will ratchet down the action in favor of the heady blend of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or The Voyage Home. While Beyond had a handful of character-driven moments, it was also one of the most action-packed movies 22 | BOOM