BOOM Edition 3 Jul 2016 Issue | Page 38


7 Helpful Tips To Discipline Your Child

If you have a toddler at home , who has proven to be quite an expert in throwing tantrums , then you will only be too familiar with all the crying , yelling , throwing of things , etc . While not all children are diffi cult to deal with , some kids develop a behaviour of throwing constant tantrums , right from an early age . While it is hard to determine why certain children behave in a rebellious manner and give a hard time to their parents , some researchers opine that it may be due to the kid ' s need for an attention from his / her parents . Sometimes , it can also be due to psychological issues or even signs of certain social / learning disorders in kids , and , in extreme cases , the kids might need a professional help . Whatever may be the reason for the child ' s tantrums and indisciplined nature , it affects the parents and their lives to a great extent . Having a child at home who is constantly getting himself / herself in trouble , refusing to eat , refusing to go to school , destroying toys and household objects , etc , can take a serious toll on the parents . So , if you want some advice on how to discipline your kid , do follow these effective tips . Tip # 1 Follow a consistent routine every day . For example , have fi xed times for meals , naps , watching television , etc , and ensure that you do not allow your kid to deviate from them very often . This lets your kid know that certain rules have to be followed without any arguments . Tip # 2 Be prepared for your kid ' s needs when you are on the go . For example , carry food and water , when you take your kid out , so that it can be given to him / her when

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needed . This can avoid your child creating a scene in the middle of the street or at a super market . Tip # 3 Saying " No " to things , outright , may not work all the time . Try to reason with them and give them choices . For example , if they want to have pizza for dinner , tell that it can be done on another day and let them know about the importance of eating Tip # 4 Let your child know that he / she cannot have everything he / she wants . Saying " yes " to everything , just so that they stop crying or throwing tantrums , can prove to be a negative thing later on and it is important to make your child understand that right from the early stages . Tip # 5 Do not resort to physical abuse at any cost . It may be very hard to deal with a diffi cult child , but hitting them in order to make them stop will only make matters worse , as your kids may either get extremely scared of you or may increase their temper tantrums . Tip # 6 Let them know that you are there for them no matter what and ensure that you give them the required amount of attention , as most kids throw tantrums when they feel they are being neglected . Tip # 7 Be calm while dealing with a child who is throwing a fi t . Keep the tone of your voice stern , but calm . Getting angry or breaking down in front of your children will only make them continue with their behaviour .