Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine M030 | Page 5

News & Sports Nottingham connected News & Sports 5 JOIN US IN ENDING FGM IN OUR GENERATION! JOIN JOIN US IN US ENDING FGM IN FGM OUR IN GENERATION! IN ENDING OUR GENERATION! JOIN US IN ENDING FGM IN OUR GENERATION! TAKE TAKE A PLEDGE TODAY, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! A TODAY, PLEDGE TODAY, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! TAKE A PLEDGE MAKE A DIFFERENCE! TAKE PLEDGE MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Female Genital A Mutilation (FGM), TODAY, defined as cutting or removing part of the female genital Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), defined as cutting or removing part of the female g organs for non-medical reasons, has no health benefits. It can affect girls and women both enital Mutilation (FGM), defined as no cutting or removing part fe organs for non-medical reasons, has health benefits. It can affect girls of and the women physically, emotionally, psychologically and can result in death. physically, emotionally, psychologically and can result in non-medical reasons, no health benefits. It death. can affect and fe enital Mutilation (FGM), has defined as cutting or removing part girls of the At least 200 million women and girls alive today have suffered this violent and intrusive emotionally, psychologically and can result in death. non-medical reasons, has no and health benefits. It can affect girls and and At least 200 million women girls alive today this violent practice. But we can stop this: Research shows we can end have FGM suffered in one generation through intr practice. But we can this: and Research shows we in can death. end FGM in one generation thr emotionally, psychologically can result education, partnerships and stop empowerment of those affected. education, partnerships and empowerment of those affected. 00 million women and girls alive today have suffered this violent a Mojatu Foundation has been working in partnership with the City and County FGM Steering ut we can this: and Research shows we can end in one genera 00 million women girls alive today suffered this violent a Group (a stop multi-agency group in Nottingham) and other have partners and supporters to get more Ste Mojatu Foundation has been working in partnership with the FGM City and County FGM people taking action in line with the in Nottingham Action Plan developed following the official Group (a multi-agency group Nottingham) and other partners and supporters to get partnerships and empowerment of those affected. ut we declaration can stop this: Research shows we can end FGM in one through genera Nottingham the first officially declare zero tolerance to FGM people of taking action as in line with city the to Nottingham Action Plan developed following the o partnerships of city those affected. a full declaration council and house. of empowerment Nottingham as the first to officially declare zero tolerance to FGM th a has full council house. undation been working in partnership with the City and County F We need your help to show world leaders that we care about protecting women and girls multi-agency group in Nottingham) and that other and supporters undation been working partnership with partners the City and rights County before has more are subjected to this in violent practice infringes on the human of girls F We need your help to show world leaders that we care about protecting women and and women. We can all make a difference! Change begins with you and me! ng action in group line the Nottingham Action Plan developed followin multi-agency Nottingham) and practice other that partners and supporters before more with are in subjected to this violent infringes on the human rights o and women. We can all make a difference! Change begins with you and me! of action Nottingham the first city to officially declare zero tolerance to F ng in line as with the Nottingham Action Plan developed followin Today (……………..) I take action to help in tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and join the campaign to END FGM IN A GENERATION! cil of house. Nottingham as the first to to officially declare zero tolerance to F Today (……………..) I take city action help in tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM the campaign to END ON FGM IN A GENERATION! cil house. I AM join SIGNING THIS PLEDGE BEHALF OF: Details Name our help to show world leaders that we care about protecting wom I AM SIGNING THIS PLEDGE ON BEHALF OF: e our are help subjected to world this violent practice that infringes the human to show leaders that Name we care about on protecting wom r Details My self ………………………………………………… n. all make a difference! Change that begins with you and human me! r e We are can subjected to this violent practice infringes on the family ………………………………………………… n. We My can begins with you and me! My all self make a difference! Change ………………………………………………… …………..) I take action to help ………………………………………………… in tackling Female Genital Mutilation My Organisation My family ………………………………………………… mpaign to END FGM IN A to GENERATION! …………..) I take action help in tackling Female Genital Mutilation My group ………………………………………………… My END Organisation ………………………………………………… mpaign to FGM IN A GENERATION! My place of worship ………………………………………………… ING THIS ON BEHALF OF: My PLEDGE group ………………………………………………… My company/business ………………………………………………… Name ING THIS PLEDGE ON BEHALF OF: My place of worship ………………………………………………… Name Other (please specify) ………………………………………………… My company/business …………………………………………………