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Arts & Culture
Lesson 12: Teamwork Lesson 15: Health
Teamwork is harmonious cooperation that is willing,
voluntary and free. Whenever the spirit of teamwork
is the dominating influence in business or industry,
success is inevitable. Harmonious cooperation is a
priceless asset that you can acquire in proportion to
your giving. Sound health begins with a sound health
consciousness, just as financial success begins with a
prosperity consciousness.
Lesson 13: Adversity & Defeat
Many so-called failures represent only a temporary
defeat that may prove to be a blessing in disguise.
Individual success usually is in exact proportion of the
scope of the defeat the individual has experienced
and mastered. Many so-called failures represent only
a temporary defeat that may prove to be a blessing
in disguise.
Lesson 14: Creative Vision
Creative vision is developed by the free and fearless
use of one’s imagination. It is not a miraculous quality
with which one is gifted or is not gifted at birth.
Lesson 16: Budgeting Time & Money
Time and money are precious resources, and few
people striving for success ever believe they possess
either one in excess.
Lesson 17: Habits
Developing and establishing positive habits leads
to peace of mind, health and financial security. You
are where you are because of your established habits
and thoughts and deeds.
To effectively and effortlessly achieve the above lessons,
you will need a clear plan and the right environment.
This will include the people around you and those you
meet on the way. As must as possible I encourage you
to meet the following fifteen set of people and if you
cannot meet them please do seriously look for them.
1. *Encouragers* - even in discouraging situations of
life, these people keep you going with encouraging
words. tell you when you are wrong; they prevent you from
digging a grave of mistakes that may bury your
2. *The hand lifters*- They are those whose hands are
strong enough to hold yours up when you are weak. 9. *The Committed*- whether things are up or down,
these ones are standing with you.
3. *Destiny Helpers*- They provide shoulders upon
which you ride to fulfilling your dream and destiny. 10. *The Loyal*- they work with you with all of their
hearts to make things work in your life.
4. *The Givers*- these ones will give of their time,
talent, and treasure to you in your hour of need. 11. *The Truth-Tellers*- they will not call night day,
and day night.
5. *The Receivers*- these ones are different from
routine takers and serial beggars. You can’t be
blessed if you don’t give, and you can’t give if there
is no one to receive. Not all lands bring forth fruits,
and not all hands that receive command blessings.
You need those whose receiving hands will trigger
abundant blessings unto you. 12. *The Altruists*- these ones believe that life is not
just about them, it is about you too.
6. *The Prayer Conquerors*- You need more than
prayer warriors IN 2019. Many Prayer warriors pray
from their heads only; Prayer conquerors pray from
their heart and conquer.
7. *The Recommenders*- these are the ones who
mention your name in quarters where your skills and
talents will be celebrated.
8. *The Correctors*- these are the ones who honestly
13. *The Reliable*- You can count on them when it
counts most.
14. *The Contented*- these ones are not greedy, they
are satisfied with whatever they get from you and
they bless you from their heart for it.
15. *Lovers and Pursuers of God & Godly Life*- these
ones are always connected to God, so you will never
be disconnected from your source who is your