Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine M030 | Page 19 Fya Notts fya_notts thereby strengthen relationships with key stakeholders and communicating solutions to political and social issues. These will help influence policy-making and future initiatives Laura McCartan, the projects communication manager stated that “Our strategic plan includes building networks, relationships and associations which will be sustained and expanded through digital stories that build the social capital community members need to FYA_Notts notts_fya accomplish their goals”. Sophie Price, the broadcasting coordinator “We want to build a broad base of partnerships with media houses and personalities, community members and organisations to initiate dialogue on important issues, establish relationships with key stakeholders and build a bridge of understanding. We will train and support them local groups to develop digital storytelling thereby empowering them to affect political and social changes”. THE ROSE THAT GREW FROM CONCRETE - By Genius Team FYA Collaborates with Genius Clothing We are the independent clothing brand ‘Genius Clothing’. We have won national awards for fashion designs and we aim to use our position to help and raise awareness of situations that are happening in our city Nottingham and launch our new Line ‘The Rose That Grew From Concrete’ The line will donate percentages of our profits to poverty, homelessness in Nottingham and social injustice that occurs in the UK. The stance against racial and social injustice forces people to confront an uncomfortable reality about their country and the world. That nuance can get lost when handled by brands, however. A brand aims to appeal broadly and measures itself in profit. Protest, however, is specific and provocative, and isn’t supposed to be an easy sell. Justice is about restoring dignity to people, and often requires systematic change through thoroughly unsexy and unmarketable processes and I am trying to find the ‘Happy’ Medium of this with the range ‘The Rose That Grew From Concrete’ and the video ‘Ultra-Light Beam’ Since fashion is something so visible and present in our daily lives, it becomes a great tool that can be used by those that fight for minorities to share their message. Social justice is a blend of law, policy, grassroots organising and individual voices. But, what happens on a college or university campus or on the streets of our city is just as important as what is going on in Parliament. It says so much about our country’s political psyche. Young people are speaking, and we are speaking with the way we present ourselves to the public. “Fashion is how we tell the world what we want them to know about us” Genius Clothing can’t fully show the way the class system and opportunities favour the middle or upper class. But, we can show how mental illness and stereo typing won’t stop our models, supporters, viewers and ultimately our audience from expressing their sometimes hidden or over looked beauty. Even the most beautiful flower has not had the easiest place to grow. The campaign can detail how it still infects every aspect of our daily lives without it hindering the clothing and fashion appeal of the brand and its vision.