Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine M028 | Page 5

Nottingham connected News & Sports 5 much you want it, how hard you’re willing to work for it. Being clever is all in motivation, it’s as simple as that. MM: A level 6 in Math at SAT level, that’s pretty impressive! Have you decided on a career? What would you want to be in the future? Vanessa: My dream job would have to be to become a tv/film actress as I have a huge passion for it. Drama holds so much relevance and importance in everyday lives across the world and I’d love to be a part of that. I also have a penchant for law and would very much love to be a lawyer as this really appeals to me MM: Fascinating, can you tell us more why your first choice is performing Acts (Acting and Music), we would want to know because given how clever you are, one would have thought that you would want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a computer scientist, engineer or any of the fancy professional careers as your first choice… Vanessa: I think acting is just a good a career as anything else, but I do see some truth in what you say. Acting is something that I love with everything I am because it’s’ the ability to show the world different situations that some cannot imagine. It provides awareness through its similar but different portrayal of life and it provides everybody with a chance to remove themselves from the sometimes-mundane repetition that is life and be whisked away into something beautiful and amazing and just - drama is in its own league of awesome and I find that music is just the same. MM: We understand that you have taken your GSCE in Drama, Is that correct? Vanessa: Yes MM: How did it go? First of those 8s and 9s then? When will you learn of the result? Vanessa: I think it went really well. My course work was all pretty amazing, and my performance piece was pretty flawless. The interpreting theatre exam was when it really hit home that this is it. this is real. I don’t think I’ve ever revised so much in my life, but it was so worth it as i feel pretty happy with that exam. The result will come in August, few days after my birthday. MM: Great! that will be a perfect birthday present then. Have you done any acting, if yes what do you like about playing your character Vanessa: I’ve done a reasonable amount of acting, mostly in school productions in which i am usually cast as the antagonist of the pantomime which I always find rather fun as you get to really play with the characterization on so many levels and you really commit yourself to that character. I’ve had the chance to play the role of Prince John in Robin Hood and Queen Evelyn (the Evil Queen) in Snow White. Upcoming roles include the main role of Izzy in Fergus the Musical. MM: You are already going for it, how about your interest in music, do you write songs or just sing? What music genre do you sing? Vanessa: I’m a singer songwriter with a total of 3 fully completed, produced and recorded pop songs so far. I absolutely adore song writing as i believe it’s such a beautiful way to express emotions and raise awareness about anything and everything you want. I lose and find myself in the music I write as they are all really personal to me. As my confidence grows, I get better and better at performing my pieces live and I really enjoy it because it’s my way of expressing who I am and I think everyone needs something like that in life MM: What are the Inspirations for your songs? Vanessa: My inspiration relies heavily on how I’m feeling and so in a way, I kind of get inspiration from myself and my experiences. For example when writing “Brave”, I based that upon the stage fright I had in my early years of childhood and really focused on how that felt and how to be brave about it and believe in yourself. Confidence has always been a big thing for me and is something I try to instill in young people. Other songs include “Don’t Deserve Our Tears” and “This Time Last Year” MM: You are a YouNG Ambassador, how did you become one and -what does it entail? Vanessa: It is a Rushcliffe council initiative involving the 7 top high schools in the council. We had to fill out an application form and then if chosen, going on to do a formal interview and then if successful in that, becoming a YouNG Ambassador. A lot of what they do is towards giving young people more insight and opportunity into the world of business which I had particular interest in networking and advertising. As ambassadors we get paid hourly which provides us with knowledge of what it’s like to have consistent money flow and how to manage it Continue to page 8-9