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An array of locally-
grown fruit has been
produced in Nottingham
following the planting
of an “edible woodland”
by a dedicated farmer
“Farming is going through such
changes and there needs to be a
way that smaller or medium sized
farms can have an opportunity
to have a sustainable business.
That is why we are launching
this and other projects in the
farm. Over the last four years
the Woodland Trust has helped take
the environmental management of
David Rose is turning six-and our farm to a new level which will
a half hectares of arable land provide economic, environmental
at Home Farm, Screveton, by and social benefits to both the farm
planting more than 4,000 fruit and and the wider community for years to
nut trees. The work was done by come”. Said David.
volunteers including many from
Mojatu Foundation who have
partnered with Eco Farm for the last
three years.
Woodland creation adviser Stuart
Holm said: “It’s involved a lot of head
scratching as although we are used
to creating woodland this is the first
The farm is developing permaculture time we’ve created an edible plot of
practices that are ecologically this size. It was important that every tree
harmonious and productive for was UK-grown and sourced and we have
creating sustainable living. It is achieved that, although it was a particular
working with Woodland Trust to challenge getting hold of the quantities
of sweet chestnut needed. Fortunately, we
develop this agro forestry scheme.
have a very good supplier who was able to
The EcoCentre offers land based graft on to root stock from the UK to create
educational activities for schools and semi-naturalised scions which we can plant
youth groups with an emphasis on food
out next year.”
and farming. The straw built Ecocentre
offers a unique class room and a great Valentine, the director of Mojatu Foundation
base to study sustainability and the called on more community members to get
environment. It also provides a unique involved in the project. “It is important that
tranquil space for business meetings, the link between the farm and the city are
corporate, training and educational encouraged and sustained. Over the last
three years, we have encouraged over a
workshops and events in a rural setting.
thousand people to visit the farm and
David explained that “the fruit species take part in events and activities there.
being planted include apples, pears, With this project, there will be increased
cherry, wild cherry, plum, currants, opportunities such as further planting,
damson, fencing, pruning, harvesting and
whitebeam, elder, mulberry, wild
preparing the juices. There may also
service tree, apricot, quince, lime, be an opportunity for those interested
Japanese silverberry, rowan, dog rose, in co-owning farming project to buy
sea buckthorn, medlar, hawthorn shares and get more involved.”
and crab apples. The fruit should be
Normal farm visit every Saturday
available from the farm and local
greengrocers in five years. The nut
trees should be producing sweet
Farm, Car Colston
chestnuts, walnuts, hazels and
Rd, Nottingham,
almonds after ten years.”
NG13 8JL
mojatu .com