Bookself Mojatu_Nottingham_Magazine_M024 | Page 21

Nottingham connected the quality of the speeches from all the contestants were amazing. It was an emotional moment and there were some tears of joy in the room. Just after receiving my certificate and prize (£300), the president of Women Federation for World Peace UK and Vice President WFWP Europe, Mitty Touma announced that I have been invited to deliver my speech at the WFWP Europe conference in November 2016 in Bratislava. That is the moment I felt I was going on a journey with this amazing organisation. Apart from delivering my speech, I was also asked to run a one hour capacity building sessions for girls and women. While in Bratislava, I had a great opportunity for networking and met very interesting people who got very interested in the work Mojatu Foundation does. Earlier this year, WFWPI UN Office Director Vienna, Elisabeth Riedl wrote to me about speaking at the UN on Zero Tolerance to FGM. From my speech and capacity building session in Bratislava, I shared more on how we got Nottingham city to declare Zero tolerance to FGM (the first city in UK to officially do so). That caught a lot of attention at the conference and discussions with different people. What followed were official invitations to me and the Sheriff of Nottingham Cllr Jackie Morris who has been instrumental in supporting our work and also tabled a motion on Zero Tolerance to FGM at the full council house in September 2016. The Sheriff is also our FGM ambassador who has dedicated her time and energy to work closely with us to support other cities in UK and beyond to follow us. Our key message is on the importance of local authorities to support and work closely with survivors and affected communities. We continue to share our community engagement model and how a multi-agency approach has continued to put Nottingham ahead in tackling FGM. Nottingham agreed to a set of commitments that we worked together on to ensure girls and women at risk are kept safe, survivors are supported, frontline professionals receive training, referral pathways developed amongst other commitments. I was so touched when the president of WFWP Europe, Caroline Hundschin announced at the opening of the conference at UN Vienna that the whole conference on Zero Tolerance to FGM was inspired by my speech and Faith & Spirituality 21 work I have been doing. When I looked at the room full of people from different backgrounds and professions, I felt so proud of the work our Nottinghamshire Community FGM Steering Group has been doing in Nottingham and all our partners and funders. Amongst the speakers were H.E Ambassador Leigh Turner, UK Ambassador to Austria who officially welcome the Sheriff of Nottingham and myself and officially opened the conference. In his speech he recognised the great work Nottingham is doing in tackling FGM and why other cities should learn from us. The Deputy Mayor of Salzburg Hagenauer announced in her speech that she was inspired by Nottingham’s work in tackling FGM and that her aim is also declare the city of Salzburg Zero tolerance and ensure a multi-agency approach in the city. Through all the support from a wonderful mentor, Mitty Touma and the UK team, Caroline Hundschin, Elisabeth Riedl and the Austria team and all the networks and friendships developed, we have seen our work being recognised more and we are developing stronger partnerships. Personally, I have continued to discover my strengths and the power of networks that bring likeminded people together. I have now been invited to Germany to attend two difference conferences to share our model and work with communities. I will also be travelling to Kenya in April with the Sheriff of Nottingham on a mission meeting partners, government officials and communities on the work being done to tackle FGM and share and learn with others. Thanks to all this platforms, the Sheriff is keen to set up a fund to do some work in Kenya that will also include working with FGM cutters to “drop the knife”. We have been given great contacts through WFWPI and the UN and we do hope that our work will continue to inspire others. I feel more inspired and empowered since I started my journey with WFWPI and I cannot thank you enough for being a great part of my journey. I look forward to inspiring and mentoring other future. The speech contest for 2017 is now open and I would encourage more young women to apply. See page 22 (My winning speech @